Monday, October 17, 2016

A prayer for Cupcake.

My husband and I didn't decide on a name for our baby girl until after she was born, so while in the womb, her nickname was "Cupcake". She was born almost a month ago now (wow!) but for the sake of privacy, I'll continue to call her by her nickname on this blog.
Anyway, here is a prayer I wrote for her during my pregnancy:


I pray that you are smart,
     but pray more that you are wise.
I pray that you are physically strong,
     but more so, morally strong.
     but more a lover of God's beauty.
A good eater,
    but more so, satisfied by His Word.

May you be
     resourceful like your dad,
     passionate for others' good like your mom;
Like both your parents--creative,
yet exceeding them both in graciousness and courage.

Most of all,
may you be you,
and God help us as your parents
to encourage you to grow up to be just that--
     who He created you to be.

©Ellen H.  Written August 2016.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so precious and beautiful, Ellen!