Friday, October 07, 2016

A fun little poem.

I was sitting at home: 40 weeks pregnant, feet up. I'd had a week of "vacation" (at home) since baby hadn't come yet but my maternity leave had begun... because let's be honest, swollen feet and a hundred incredulous looks from patients at work when I told them I was due so soon was getting old. The bright fall sunlight filtered over my couch where I sat. It was my due date, a Friday, and I was out of chores, errands and energy. So I had been coloring (no matter how in vogue it is, that statement from a 20-something still sounds immature to me!), and my mind was free to wander. Out of that came this silly little poem:

As I twist them in my hands,
ruffled skirts unravel from them,
drop to the floor,
revealing raw nude beneath
their colored coverings.
I spin them to keep them on point--
and I'm delighted to see what
beautiful pictures this creates.

...The title? "Dance of the Sharpening Colored Pencils" :-)

Thoughtfully yours,
Ellen H.

P.S. I didn't have to wait much longer for little one - she arrived two days later!

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