Monday, July 04, 2011

Life Skills: A checklist

This summer, part of my job helping with health clinics is asking Hispanics about their health history. Considering how the traditional Hispanic family works (close-knit, multi-generational homes), the "kids" of even 22 years old often have their parents present for this step. What's interesting is how annoyed I have been feeling because of how little the "kids" know themselves. They may even have children of their own, and they can't even remember when their last dental exam was! Not to judge or blame, I got inspired to examine my own life instead, and make a sort of checklist of the things that show that a person is a full-on grown-up or, rather, an independent adult.

So here are some "biggies" that I thought of, and where I am with them, whether that's "I Know This," "I'm in Process of Learning This," or "I Plan to Learn This Someday." Read on, and consider using as a tool to think about where you are with all of this!

1. I Know This (but can always improve)
  • How to travel independently
  • How to do devotionals
  • How to apply for and keep a job
  • How to lead/help in small ministry (Bible Study, Worship leading)
  • How to cook and shop for groceries for myself
  • How to manage friendships, whether single or dating
  • How to succeed in education
2. In the Process
  • How to choose a church
  • How to do my taxes
  • Negotiating personal agenda and family matters
3. To Learn
  • Car & bike upkeep
  • How to search for a place to live (since I always lived in university housing in college)
  • Taking control of my personal health history (family risk factors, vaccination records)
  • How my health and car insurance work and how they'll change in the future
  • The experience of owning a credit card and using it well
  • How to budget with a full time income

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