Thursday, May 09, 2019

On Location - a poem.

Over a sea of tan, blue and green 
crowded with a thousand printed words
naming towns, forests, parks
and every conceivable landmark
is a giant red arrow
emblazoned with the words You Are Here
pointing to one particular obscure spot
with no road leading up to it
and no road leading away
so that I merely know Where I Am right now.

I decide that is enough.

-Ellen H.
Written 3 days past due date with my second baby.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Dare to hope. - a poem

What if we
could in fact be
surprised by hope?

Instead of anxiety
planning for what could go wrong
to prevent the worst case scenario

what if we could hope
in divine optimism
for how it could go
better than we ever expected?
better than we could have ever imagined?

For being a self-proclaimed optimist,
with my so-called grown-up realism
(really the world's cynicism)
I have begun to lose my audacity to dream

and therefore to pray 
for the Best Ever. I temper
my prayers, mitigating the disaster
of the opposite-of-glory for God,
by asking for realistic, doable,
possible, conceivable...

But as an older child fears
they'll be replaced by a new baby's arrival,
only to meet it and find overwhelming joy
and divine pleasure smiling down on them
in teeny baby features--

so could we open our hearts
to be blown away and surprised
by the best Good we never dared imagine?

©Ellen H. 

“[God] is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)