Saturday, September 15, 2018

Fish eye and I - a poem.

Cartoon fish eye and I
meet again because hair detangler
only comes for kids.
Everything for women is scented yet
L'Oreal juvenile pear smell distinct
as it wafts across the store aisle.
I no longer have a soft scalp or
a low tolerance for pain
but my hair is just as prone to break.
Brush it gently after shower then that’s it
Set it once then it's set forever
every ponytail a tale from then on
all dents are stories made obvious
from my hairdos for the last two or three days.
Is only my hair so fragile still?
Did everybody else grow out of this? 
Are I love you's and cuddles only for the young as well?
Books before bed, a helping hand for sunscreen?
Did we all grow up but some not grow out 
of showing the dents of our history
hearts on our sleeve? Or some of us just
power through and break many strands? 
Are others lucky enough to toughen with age?
My unspoken questions linger before me
Fish eye does not blink,
does not resolve my solitude
in the kids' detangler section.

--Ellen H.

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