I know somebody who swears that the British say that word as "Woh-oh-boh-ul", totally cutting out the T's. So how they say it is a dead giveaway where that person is from. Well, the fact that I have a waterbottle may or may not be a dead giveaway that I'm from Colorado. And I mean, the kind of waterbottle one takes everywhere, not just your athletic waterbottle and not one that doubles as a juice container.
My waterbottle is a pink, translucent, plastic Nalgene with the requisite carabiner with which to hold it. (Yeah, a plastic Nalgene. Don't worry, I haven't died--yet.) I take it with me everywhere. Seriously, I'm a diehard personal waterbottle user now, ever since I moved to Colorado and experienced the torture of sitting through a whole class period without water. Started feeling like I was stuck in the middle of a desert... So, ever since, I take one with me.

...Does that make me the opposite of a camel? I am nearly always thirsty, sometimes to the point of intense distraction. Even without indoor heating on to dry out the air, I wake up every day and the first thing I do is Drink Water...
You'd think I'd be back to my pre-Colorado self now that I live in the Midwest again, but not so. And that's what got me thinking about this in the first place: I think I realize how "Colorado-y" it is to have a waterbottle at all times now that I'm back at college. Now, don't get me wrong, nearly everyone wears a backpack to classes, and many of them have waterbottles with them, but waterbottles are not ubiquitous like they are in the Rocky Mountain State.
As you can see from the photo, no stickers on mine--yet. Two friend's waterbottles have stickers from favorite establishments and companies... many of which are in Colorado, despite the fact that neither of them are from Colorado... Go figure. But none for me yet. By looking at mine, maybe you can tell that I'm from Colorado (instead of pretending to be!) and you can definitely tell that I don't hate pink (but I'm not pink-obsessed, not by a long shot), but nothing overly obvious about me. Although, now that I think about it, I should probably put my name on it, in case I lose it...
Ever see the movie Stranger than Fiction? Remember the part where the guy is in the guitar store, and the author is describing what each one said about itself? I'm kind of thinking that this waterbottle phenomenon is like that. So, do you have a waterbottle? If so, what does yours say about you?
Yours frankly,
Ellen P.
P.S. On a related note, I think disposable waterbottles are really lame except in out-of-country situations. Don't bottle water if you have to, and definitely recycle the bottle if you're gonna buy one but I'm into the Reuse One for Years thing in this case. Anyway, I'm done with my soapbox moment now.
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