As anyone who knows me could tell you, I really like baking. It's a legitimate hobby of mine. (Also I can proudly say I once rocked a summer job as a Baker, and they trusted me enough that they didn't require prior paid experience and didn't train me either, but that's another story.) I'm apparently good enough at it that my skills are well-renowned among all of my husband's male friends. But you know the secret? Just bake the recipe listed on the container of the most important ingredient: back of the chocolate chip cookie bag, lid of the oatmeal container. I figure this is because the company tested the classic recipe using that exact product, and so they perfected it.
So I figure that's the same reason why I should take God at his Word - He created humans, He's been watching how they work for thousands of years, and He's even lived with us as one of us... I'd say He knows what He's talking about.
Just a good reminder for myself, especially when I question His ways sometimes - Trust the "Test Kitchen", Ellen!
Food for thought, anyway. (ah yes, puns are good too)
“What is mankind that you make so much of them,
that you give them so much attention,
that you examine them every morning
and test them every moment?" Job 7:17-18