Friday, June 17, 2011

Ideas for Personal Growth

I was recently looking into overseas mission opportunities, and I found a page about ways to prepare before leaving home for a few months or longer. But as I read the following bullet points, it occurred to me that these are good ideas for someone who merely looking into mission work, not just those who are certain they want to go. In fact, I'd say these are good things for any Christian to do, even if you're not planning on going anywhere! Read on...

"Preparing Personally
  • Develop relationships that allow for deep levels of sharing and sincere accountability.
  • Strengthen your ministry and leadership skills through involvement with your local church.
  • If you are single, assess your contentment with singleness. Develop friendships that provide companionship and encouragement.
Preparing Culturally
  • Develop international friendships, right where you are.
  • Read missionary biographies and stories.
  • Develop relationships with missionaries on the field. Get to know them as people while you become involved with their prayer needs and support.
Preparing Financially
  • Move toward becoming debt-free.
  • Begin to simplify your lifestyle and possessions."


So here's to trying to peer a little into what my very uncertain future might look like, while striving to be content right where I am too,
Ellen P. 
aka The Post Grad